Mom It Forward

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

Mom It Forward is all about building community and sharing information and experiences to help other moms and dads everywhere become better parents. We're always looking for great new, original content to bring value to our site. Check out the different Mom It Forward categories, but first, see our submission guidelines below:


Please follow these guidelines when submitting to Mom It Forward:

  • Posts may not be more than 300-500 words.
  • Content must be the work of the contributor.
  • The post must be new and original (may not already be featured on your or anyone else’s site) unless otherwise agreed upon ahead of time.
  • Content should be uplifting, positive, informative, offer advice and guidance, and/or empowering for women and moms.
  • In-text links, where appropriate, may be included. Feel free to promote posts on your blog.
  • Posts may not be advertorial in nature.
  • Mom It Forward reserves the right to edit content and format prior to publishing.

Writing Tips

  • Mom It Forward readers like posts with lots of tips and tricks, so make sure to include helpful and unique information.
  • Make your ‘How-to’ or tutorial posts easy to follow by writing in a step-by-step style.
  • Break up your content with headlines and subheads to make your post easy to read and scannable.



Follow these guidelines when uploading images to your post:

  • Posts must include at least one image (720 x 315 minimum size).
  • Horizontal images are preferred in the post.
  • Featured Image must be free of writing or water marks. This is the picture that will appear on our rotating viewer.
  • Featured Image must be a horizontal image as they work best when rotating on the home page.
  • If you use an image that is not your own, you need to ensure you have rights to use that image.
  • Give credit for photos that are not your own with a statement and link at the bottom of the post.



Content may be re-posted after the assigned “live” date as long as the following conditions are met:

  • Change the title and first two paragraphs of the original content
  • Include a disclaimer at the bottom that states: "This post was originally published at on <insert date here>." (Please link to the original post.)



This is a short description explaining who you are and what you do. If you want us to refer back to you, feel free to include your blog and social media links. Also include a profile picture/avatar. We include these at the bottom of our posts.


Note: While we do not offer financial compensation for guest posts, contributors are promoted on, as well as through Mom It Forward affiliated Twitter accounts and the Mom It Forward Facebook page.

Mom It Forward